Trial Court Rulings

Author: Date: 06.24.20

This website is in testing mode. Our data are incomplete and unverified. You should not rely on this data. If you have feedback about the presentation or the project, please let us know at

The data in these tables are drawn from the cases listed on the cases page.  At present the cases consist of D&O coverage cases in Federal Court and in Delaware and New York state courts that (a) were filed after 12/31/2019 or (b) were filed earlier but are still ongoing.  For more information see our FAQs page.

Dispositive Motions in Trial Court
Motion to Dismiss Motion for Summary Judgment
Filed by Insurer
With Prejudice Without Prejudice
Granted in part
Terminated w/o a ruling
Filed by Policyholder
With Prejudice Without Prejudice
Granted in part
Terminated w/o a ruling
Case Name Court State Docket Number Date Type of Motion Filed By Outcome